
I work directly with businesses on everything from strategic planning to branding and communications – bringing the kind of knowledge, expertise and passion that really adds value. As a trusted partner, I help businesses make the most of new market opportunities, create real stand out for their brand and build stronger relationships with their customers.

I’ve worked with some fantastic brands in the construction sector over the years – heading up marketing teams in big multinationals and smaller SME businesses, both manufacturing and service led. I know what works – and doesn’t work, and I now offer comprehensive planning and practical recommendations to businesses of all sizes based on that real strategic insight and expertise.

I use proven processes and strategies to help businesses understand what their customers need, how they engage with their brand and how to deliver the kind of excellence in customer experience which really drives sales revenue.

My approach is collaborative and open – whether I work on a project or ongoing consultancy basis – ensuring there is trust and confidence with internal and external marketing and management teams.

I also bring a level of energy and enthusiasm which I know is infectious and helps to deliver the very best results for my clients.

New Product Development
(NPD) planning

Fractional Marketing Director support

Brand management & development

Marketing strategy

Event management

Research, develop & create marketing plans

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